August 2011
London Photography | Grace’s Portrait Photoshoot
Stride Some people make your work easy and Grace is definitely one of those people. As a professional photographer you couldn't ask for a more capable client, she knew what was needed and [...]
The Odd Couple – Johannesburg
I have over the past few years been involved with the local Drama society and my latest involvement was on a production of "The Odd Couple" produced by the "Franklin Drama Society". This society has [...]
July 2011
Two Month Kia
The great thing about friends and family is how willing they can be to participate in experiments, not always realising what they getting themselves into, but its OK they get away mostly unscathed. [...]
Dark and Light Project Continues
Its been a busy week, in fact its been a busy everything, with so much of the photography work clamouring for my attention and my personal life deciding it will not be ignored, [...]
Baby in the Cradle
To date I have taken a fair number photos of my daughter Kia, and I will admit proudly that I do not see this new trend ending any time soon. She is growing [...]
June 2011
Autumn Bloom
A tad late perhaps, as winter has really made its mark in Johannesburg with some really chilly weather. Its chill was compelling enough to force me indoors and behind the computer to do the photography [...]