
About admin

Born and brewed in South Africa, I grew up in amongst a changing South African as it began re-writing its history. I was probably about 10 when I got my first camera, all I truly remember is how I loved taking pictures of absolutely everything. I always remember during my school days being asked what i wanted to do and how I never had a real answer. Somewhere along the way I began a career in the IT field, and for 15+ years I invested myself into the world of technology. It was only when we suffered from a tragic incident in our lives that had a hard look back at my life. As my family and me worked through the tragedy I realised that I needed to be make a change. I have since found that old love of photography and taking photos of absolutely everything. In creating these images I find a calling worth doing. Now I spend each day with various people helping them create photo's of their special moments and of absolutely everything.

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