
About admin

Born and brewed in South Africa, I grew up in amongst a changing South African as it began re-writing its history. I was probably about 10 when I got my first camera, all I truly remember is how I loved taking pictures of absolutely everything. I always remember during my school days being asked what i wanted to do and how I never had a real answer. Somewhere along the way I began a career in the IT field, and for 15+ years I invested myself into the world of technology. It was only when we suffered from a tragic incident in our lives that had a hard look back at my life. As my family and me worked through the tragedy I realised that I needed to be make a change. I have since found that old love of photography and taking photos of absolutely everything. In creating these images I find a calling worth doing. Now I spend each day with various people helping them create photo's of their special moments and of absolutely everything.

London Wedding Photography | Sneak Peak – Bridal Wedding Photoshoot – Palazzo Hotel – Monte Casino

Bridal Style PhotoShoot Date : Oct.2011 Venue | Palazzo Hotel – Monte Casino Make Up | Ilana Pritchard Assistant | WendyBrehm Model | Traci Scerri London Wedding Photographer | Dewan Demmer Well, we had a brilliant time. As I am working on these photos I thought I would show a little something of what's coming. Monte Casino [...]

Spring Bloom – London Photographer

Well Spring is here and Summer is hot on its heels, with the first rains announcing the wet season for Johannesburg.One of my many personal projectsis taking photos of flowers and blooms, I generally try stick to the everyday, the flowers we have in our gardens. While I can photograph the exotic and less common [...]

By |2021-04-19T19:28:25+01:00October 3rd, 2011|Projects|0 Comments

London Photography | Grace’s Portrait Photoshoot

Stride Some people make your work easy and Grace is definitely one of those people. As a professional photographer you couldn't ask for a more capable client, she knew what was needed and what to give the camera, each shot came out unique and personal. Portrait photography is very much about the person [...]

By |2021-04-19T19:28:25+01:00August 15th, 2011|Portraits|0 Comments

The Odd Couple – Johannesburg

I have over the past few years been involved with the local Drama society and my latest involvement was on a production of "The Odd Couple" produced by the "Franklin Drama Society". This society has started to show the promise is has and I am glad I am around to see it getting bigger and [...]

By |2021-04-19T19:28:25+01:00August 3rd, 2011|Events|0 Comments